On Saturday 26 October 2013, Dick and Beverly Tonkin represented The West Wales Prostate Cancer Support Group and received a donation totalling £1321.90 from caravaners at Llandow Caravan Site. Donations have been collected over the summer period by seasoned fundraisers Mrs Mary Hann and Mrs Geraldine Smith, who over the years have raised funds for a variety of worthwhile causes. Mary is now retiring from this role.
Chair of the support group, Phil Burr, said, ‘We really value the support given to us by organisations, businesses and friends in the local community who have our interests at heart. We thank Mary and Geraldine and all caravan users and owners at Llandow for choosing to support our charity this year and for their generous giving. This is a wonderful donation! I would also like to thank volunteers Dick (standing to the left with Geraldine and Mary) and Beverly Tonkin for representing our organisation on this occasion.’